Sunday, May 6, 2007


Luke 19:11-27

Jesus was now nearing Jerusalem and the disciples still did not understand that He was not setting up His kingdom but that He would die, be raised and go to heaven to prepare an eternal place for those who placed their trust in Him. This parable teaches about Him going away and trusting the ministry to them.

Many confuse this parable with the parable of the talents Matthew shared in 25:14-30. There is a distinct difference in that parable because the slaves were given different amounts. In this parable all are given the same, about three month’s wages. When the nobleman returned he learned that one had earned ten times what he was given, another had earned five times and the third had earned nothing. The one who had earned most was also given the original wages of the person who did not put them to use.

This parable addresses the fact that those who utilize most effectively the gifts God gives them are rewarded the most. Notice that the individual who earned ten times was given praise (v. 17 ) and also given authority over ten cities. He had maximized the utilization of his gifts. The person who earned five times was not given praise but was given authority over five cities (v. 18). He had used his gifts but not as effectively as he could have. The third person did not use his gift so it was taken away from him. This unfaithful servant was not removed from the kingdom but his reward was taken from him.

God has given each of us, as His children, abilities to use for His kingdom. It is our responsibility to use those gifts to further God’s kingdom. We are most satisfied in our lives when we are doing that. We will be rewarded in eternity based on the effectiveness of our utilization of those abilities here on earth. . It will then be our privilege to return those rewards to Him as an act of worship.

I pray that you will discover God’s gifts to you and utilize them exactly and faithfully as God desires of you.

From - Joe Hanson Devotional May 6, 2007

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