Sunday, July 22, 2007

Jesus Defense – Silence

Reading this passage we step into the midst of Jesus trial before His crucifixion. He had been before Pilate who found no guilt in Him. Pilate recognized Jesus was not guilty of the charges the Chief Priests and scribes were bringing against Him and we know from other passages had been warned by his wife to be cautious in his judgment. When he learned that Jesus was a Galilean and under the jurisdiction of Herod he sent Him to Herod (v.7).

Herod was glad that Pilate did this because he had heard about Jesus and the miracles He performed. He was anxious to be entertained by Jesus’ performance of other miracles. It is interesting to me that when Jesus faced Herod He remained silent. This is the only occurrence I know of when Jesus had nothing to say; he remained completely silent. As He faced detractors in the past, He responded to their questions and allowed them and others around them to see their error. Herod apparently questioned Jesus intently (v. 9) but Jesus would not even dignify His questions with an answer. He just stood there.

As I read this verse I’m reminded of Isaiah 53:7 "He was oppressed and He was afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth; like a lamb that is led to slaughter, and like a sheep that is silent before His shearers, so He did not open His mouth."

It is evident that as the passage in Luke says Herod and his soldiers were treating Him with contempt and mocking Him. As Jesus stood there He was literally fulfilling the prophesy of Isaiah 53.

It is very difficult when we are ridiculed for our faith to remain silent. However in that situation it is often best to do that. I don’t think that we gain anything by arguing about our faith. We should share the gospel but when it is clear that someone just wants to argue with us the best course of action is to walk away and pray for that individual. Ask the Holy Spirit to prepare that person to hear what you have to say. We also should keep in mind when we face persecution for our faith, the individual is really persecuting our Savior more than us.

Silence is difficult, but at times it is best.

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