Sunday, June 15, 2008

Ananias and Sapphira

Acts 5:1-11

The story of Ananias and Sapphira is one of the more familiar in the New Testament and it is important that we understand its implications. We don’t see God judging His people this severely very often so we need to grasp the significance. Some time ago in studying the book of Joshua we discussed the sin of Achan (Joshua 7) which had similar ramifications. In his case not only was he put to death but also his entire family.

Remember we have just discussed how the people were willing to sell property because others had need. We were just told in Acts 4:36-37 that Barnabas had sold a piece of property and brought the proceeds to the Apostles to use as needed. Ananias and Sapphira did the same thing, only they kept back some of the proceeds but made others believe they had given everything. This is called hypocrisy and is one of Satan’s most effective tools. Their sin was not keeping something from God, but lying to Him.

It seems apparent that Ananias was a Christian, yet “Satan filled his heart”. Satan can influence the Christian as well as the non-Christian. When we become a Christian we get a new nature, but the old nature still resides within us and is constantly fighting for control of our lives. We must not let Satan succeed. I John 1:9 was written to the Christian and we need to confess our sin as soon as we realized we have sinned in order to maintain a right relationship with God.

Don’t miss the insight given to Peter by the Holy Spirit. He immediately knew something was amiss and challenged Ananias. He then revealed the sin “You have not lied to men, but to God.” It is important here to note the fact that we are completely transparent before God; we have no secrets from Him. He not only knows our every deed, He knows our every thought.

I pray that you will be so sensitive to God’s direction in your life that you will recognize when Satan presents you with temptation and will avoid it. When you disobey God with your thoughts or actions I pray that you will recognize that quickly and confess it to Him so that you will retain the relationship with Him that He desires.

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