Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Joy Of Encouragement

Acts 15:31-32

“And when they had read it (the letter v. 23-29) they rejoiced because of its encouragement. And Judas and Silas, also being prophets themselves, encouraged and strengthened the brethren with a lengthy message.”

At the Jerusalem council the apostles and elders discussed the issue that had come up among the Galatian Christians. Basically, it involved how they should react to some of the Old Testament laws. James seemed to sum up his and the council’s judgment in v. 20 “we do not trouble those who are turning to God from among the Gentiles…” The council agreed to send a letter of encouragement to them. Our verses today indicate that the letter did cause the Galatians to rejoice and be encouraged.

We all need to have encouragers in our lives and we should be encouragers. How are you encouraging others? One way to do that is through a letter or a note. I still have notes I received from our children years ago. I also have letters I received from an uncle who encouraged me as a young college student. I have a file of notes I’ve kept from those I’ve counseled with. Today we can purchase various kinds of cards, but I think a personal note is much more effective.

We can also encourage through telephone calls. It is always encouraging to hear the voice of someone we love or a good friend. Although physically separated by miles, I still am encouraged by talking to friends I made as a child and young adult. When our children or grandchildren call we are encouraged.

We can also encourage others by being helpful. We all have skills we can use to benefit others. It could be as simple as cleaning up your room, washing the dishes or mowing the grass. I have had the satisfaction of helping others with financial problems.

Finally, if someone has encouraged you tell them so. Let them know you appreciate their ministry in your life. Often that will make their day.
I pray that you will be an encourager.

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