Sunday, March 28, 2010

God’s Work in You

Philippians 2:13
“…for it is God who is at work in you,
both to will and to work for His good pleasure.”

Let’s finish our thoughts on the verses we began looking at last week. How does God work in us? I can think of three ways immediately; He energizes, provides enablement and provides desire.

I learned long ago that when I try to do things in my own strength there are usually two results; I fail and I am not blessed. Paul will tell us later on in this book (4:13) “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Whether I try to share a spiritual truth with a friend or have been on the mission field, I’ve learned that I need to depend on God’s strength, not my own resources. How do I do that? By asking Him to lead me to those He wants me to share with, asking Him to bless my efforts, and realizing that it is not my attempt to convince people, but the very words of Scripture that are convicting.

God also provides enablement through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. When we are “filled with the Spirit” He is in complete control of our lives. I can tell you from personal experience that He will bring to your mind verses you have memorized years ago. He takes away fears that may develop within your mind. He provides great confidence as you depend on Him.

Finally, God gives us a desire to serve Him. We can look at the examples of many men and women in Scripture who faithfully followed Him. Just a simple word from Jesus captivated the twelve disciples. He didn’t have to spend a lot of time and effort convincing them to follow Him. That is because the Holy Spirit had prepared their heart to be receptive. God does that in our heart also. That doesn’t necessarily mean we are all called into full-time service. I never felt led that way, but the Spirit has definitely placed in my heart a desire to serve Him through teaching, serving in positions of responsibility in our church, and participating in community activities as his representative.

I pray that you might recognize God’s work in your life, and serve Him well. As you do that you will “appear as a light in the world” (2:15).

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