Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Resurrection

John 2:22

“When therefore He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this; and they believed the Scripture, and the word which Jesus had spoken.”

One commentator said of this verse ““It is in the light of the resurrection that we can understand the Bible, and can interpret and believe the words and claims of Christ.”

In my opinion, the resurrection is the single most important event in the Bible. Jesus appeared many times to many people in His resurrected body so that no one could prove that the resurrection did not occur. From that day forward, continuing to today, people have tried to prove that His resurrection did not occur.

During Jesus time on earth many saw Him as a great healer but they were unwilling to trust Him as their personal Savior. We still hear that same thing from many today. He was a great person, they say, but they deny He was God.

We are also told that as His disciples witnessed the resurrection and believed on Him as their Savior, they truly began to understand much of His teaching and the Old Testament Scriptures. They understood to the point of believing His words and claims. Those He poured His life into began to share that good news with others.

Now we, as believers, accept by faith His resurrection. The Bible predicts it, documents it, and provides witnesses testifying to it so that we may trust Him as our Savior. Because of His resurrection some two thousand years ago we can be totally assured of our eternity with Him.

We should thank God daily for His great love for us as manifested by sending His Son to take on human form, die for our sins, and for raising Him to eternal life so that we too might enjoy eternity with Him.

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