Sunday, September 4, 2011

Jesus Speaks of His Death

John 12:27-50

As we begin to meditate on this portion of Scripture we learn of a conflict going on between Jesus’ physical nature and His spiritual nature. He mentioned that “My soul has become troubled”. Spiritually, He knew that it was His Father’s will that He die to pay the price for our sins and He desired the Father to be glorified. We also continually face a battle between our physical desires and God’s leading in our lives. We must be careful to allow God’s will to triumph over our will.

In verses 30 and 31 we learn that Satan is a defeated foe. One day he will be removed from this earth and will be forced to spend eternity in Hell. Today he still is active in our lives tempting us to sin but we know we have the power to overcome those temptations.

Then, just as now, many rejected Jesus. God knew that was going to happen and predicted it in Isaiah 53. Isaiah 6:10 also tells us the hearts of those who continually reject the offer of salvation will be hardened and their eyes will be blinded by God. However, many will believe and will trust Christ as their Savior but often they fail to confess Him because they fear man’s opinion and love man’s praise more than God’s praise.

Finally Jesus shares once again that He did not physically come into this world judge the world, but to save. He also reiterates His desire to accomplish the will of His Father. The time for judgment will come later and if we know Him as our Savior that is something we don’t have to fear.

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