Sunday, November 13, 2011

Our Relationship With The World

This passage is sturated by a number of “if/but” statements in which Jesus characterizes the disciples (and our) relationship to unbelievers. First He reminds them that because He chose them out of the world, the world hates them. We know each of the disciples was persecuted and that is true of many Christians today. We Americans are fortunate, because our nation was founded on Christian principles, but sadly it is rapidly becoming a post-Christian nation. The news reveals almost every day persecution of the Christians around the world.

In the second “if/but” statement He explains the persecution. They persecuted Him, the disciples and us because they do not know the Father (“the One who sent Me”). They either worship other gods or are atheists and do not believe in a supreme being.

Next He explains that the reason they hate Him is that He exposed their sin. We’ve seen that specifically in His conversations with the Pharisees. Since He exposed their sin they are without excuse. They know they need a Savior. He also shares that those who hate Him also hate the Father.

Finally, He explains the purpose. They observed His miraculous works and still refused to accept Him as their Savior. In v. 25 we read “but they have done this in order that the word may be fulfilled that is written in their Law, ‘They hated Me without a cause.’”

Jesus closes this passage by reminding the disciples that the Holy Spirit will bear witness of Him in the lives of unbelievers. He also shares with the disciples and with us that we will also bear witness of Him. We do that with our lives and we should also do it vocally. It is a tremendous thrill to see someone trust the Lord Jesus as their Savior as we share our testimony and the Holy Spirit convicts them of their need to personally place their faith in Him. I pray that you will be effective in sharing your faith with others.

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