Sunday, June 3, 2007

The future

Our next two devotionals will look at the future. The disciples had been admiring the temple and Jesus told them that it was going to be destroyed completely (v. 6). The natural question from them was when? The parallel passage in Matthew (24) tells us they also asked about the end of the age. Jesus responded by telling them about three things that would start to occur before the destruction of the temple (AD 70) and one which would take place later.

First He said that many would come claiming to be Christ (v. 8). He wanted the disciples and us not to be deceived. Secondly, He said that wars would occur (9 & 10) and when that happened the disciples were not to be terrified because “the end does not follow immediately.” Thirdly, He mentioned that tremendous earthquakes would occur, causing great famine and pestilence (v. 11). Here he is speaking of the great tribulation that will occur after the rapture of Christians. Finally, He said that before all these things happened they would be persecuted. We know that all of the disciples were persecuted greatly. The next several verses (12-17) describe not only what the disciples encountered but also what future disciples would encounter. People will trust Christ during the tribulation and will undergo great persecution.

Jesus next (v. 20-24) noted that Gentile domination, which began in 586 BC when Nebuchadnezzar (Babylonians) took Jerusalem and the nation of Israel into captivity, would continue “until the times of the Gentiles would be fulfilled”. We are living in that age right now. This age will be culminated by Christians being raptured
(1 Thes. 4:13-17), the Great Tribulation and the second return of Christ.

Everything we know from prophesy that needs to occur before the rapture has taken place. For that reason Christians believe that the return of Christ is imminent. That is the next event on God’s prophetic calendar and it could happen at any moment. We should live our lives in expectation of that event.

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