Sunday, June 17, 2007

God’s Word Lasts Forever

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away."

This is a very simple, yet profound, verse of Scripture. It is not difficult to understand but I think it is important for us to meditate on its significance. There are not many things that are eternal. I can think of only our God, His Word and our souls. Everything else will pass away. That helps us gain a perspective of what is really important.

First, God is eternal. Genesis 1:1 says "In the beginning God…" He chose to create everything else.

We know from Genesis 1 and 2 that God created us. He desires fellowship with us. In Genesis 3 we learn that man broke that fellowship by sinning. By disobeying God’s Word we were separated from Him. Our souls are still eternal, but because of sin there is the potential that we will be eternally separated from Him. Since we made the choice to sin, we also must make the choice of our eternal destination.

God also has shared with us His will for our lives. Although we have a sin nature, He has placed within each of us a conscious that convicts us of wrong thoughts or actions. We can sear that conscious through disobedience. He has also provided His Word in various forms so that we can know His will and be obedient to it. God never changes, He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) and so is His Word.

We cannot completely comprehend eternity with our finite minds but God has given us enough information through His Word and through the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives that we can understand His will. God also has the characteristic of being eternally consistent so we can be confident not only that His words will not pass away, but also that they will not change. Our relationship with Him since the time of creation has been based on faith.

What a privilege and comfort it is to know that we can have an eternal relationship with Him.

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