Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Anointing of Oil

We previously discussed the summer pastures the shepherd prepares for the sheep. Now it is summer and the sheep are in those pastures. Summer time brings out a lot of flies. There is a fly called a nose fly which is particularly bothersome to the sheep. The nose fly lays its larvae in the nose of the sheep and as those larvae develop they cause an itching which make the sheep go crazy. You can imagine what something crawling around in your nose would feel like. The remedy is for the shepherd to put a mixture of linseed oil, sulfur and tar on the sheep’s head which keeps the flies away.

Another habit of sheep is that they love to rub their heads together. This causes the transmission of scab, an irritating and highly contagious disease caused by a microscopic parasite. In old Palestine the remedy was to put a mixture of olive oil, sulfur, and spices on the sheep’s head.

The anointing of the head of the sheep may be compared to the anointing of the Holy Spirit on our lives. I John 2:20 tells us “you have an anointing from the Holy One”. In Acts 10:38 we read that Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit. Just as the anointing of the oil to the sheep’s head brought contentment, so the anointing of the Holy Spirit brings peace in our lives. He is our only true source of contentment.

Remember Paul said in Philippians 4:11 “I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.” His contentment came from the ministry of the Holy Spirit in his life. Americans today struggle to find contentment and are unable to do so with material things. There is always the desire for more. The Christian, however, learns that contentment comes from a relationship with God, rather than something we can purchase. Therefore, our contentment is based on our relationship with Him, rather than anything this world can provide.

I pray that you will continually recognize the spiritual peace and contentment that God can bring in your life through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

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