Sunday, January 6, 2008

God Prepares A Table

It is easy to pull this verse out of context and many commentators do saying that this scene takes place in a banquet hall. We must remember that this entire psalm is about a shepherd and his sheep. I believe this verse refers to the work a shepherd does in preparing the summer pastures for his sheep.

During the winter months shepherds around Palestine would make trips to the summer pastures; going from the valleys into the high tablelands and begin preparing them for use in the summer. In early spring he would visit once again and look for the best grass for grazing. He would check for poisonous weeds and eradicate them because sheep will eat everything. He also would distribute salt and minerals in appropriate places and clear out the existing water sources.

I think this is a picture of Christ’s preparation for the future of our lives. He brings into our lies those who can mentor us and help us grow in Him. He leads us to good churches where we can be fed. Through the Holy Spirit He ministers to us so that as we yield to Him and accept his guidance we are led in paths of righteousness.

This verse also tells us that He does this in the “presence of our enemies”. It is a reminder that the enemy is always around and watching looking for an opportunity to side-track us and to lead us into sin. However, Christ as our great Shepherd is also always with us and He has experienced every temptation we face and is willing and able to keep us safe and provide for us if we allow Him.

God has provided a table specifically for you and wants you to eat of it. As you do that you will grow in your relationship with Him and realize true spiritual success and joy. I pray that you will constantly partake of what He has prepared for you.

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