Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Consistent Prayer Life

Acts 3:1

“Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the ninth hour, the hour of prayer”

This verse brings to mind the importance of a consistent prayer life. It does not talk about a rote exercise but does indicate the importance of prayer in the life of these two disciples.

As I read this account of prayer I’m reminded of the importance Daniel placed on prayer. In Daniel 6:10 we see Daniel faithfully praying three times a day. This practice aggravated his antagonists and they convinced the king to pass a law against doing that. Daniel persisted in prayer anyway. He would not have done that if prayer was a rote exercise or at least he would not have continued to do so publicly. His prayer life was important enough to him that he continued even though he knew the consequences (being thrown in the lion’s den).

I appreciate Daniel’s prayer for his people in chapter nine. His pattern there is a good one for us to follow. Notice he begins in verse four by giving God adoration “the great and awesome God who keeps his covenant and lovingkindness…”. Then he goes into a lengthy time of confession and thanksgiving (v. 5-17). Finally he closes with his supplications or requests (v. 17-19).

So often we rush into our prayer time by telling God of all our needs and what we want Him to do for us. We fail to follow Daniel’s model and the model our Lord Jesus gave us which begin with adoration, confession and thanksgiving. I’m convinced God is much more pleased with us when we follow the model He has given us through His Word.

Daniel, Peter and John were all criticized and persecuted for their faithfulness in prayer. We should be thankful that we live in a free society that gives us this freedom. Even now we see that freedom threatened almost daily. We should be concerned about protecting that freedom for our children and our grandchildren. We must not take it for granted.
I pray that you will be a person of consistent and disciplined prayer. Find a time when you can get alone each day with God without being rushed. Keep a prayer list if that is helpful. Don’t forget to praise Him for who He is, thank Him for answered prayer, confess those sins in your life and bring your needs to Him confidently; not because of who you are but because of who He is.

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