Sunday, April 6, 2008

Peter’s Leadership

Acts 2:14-36

We noticed in the first chapter how Peter stood up in the upper room and began the discussion concerning Judas’ replacement (1:15-22). Now we see him delivering his first sermon. He is answering the mockers who said that those who were full of the Holy Spirit were “filled with sweet wine”.

As he delivers this sermon we see evidence of the Holy Spirit ministering to him. First, notice how he quotes a long passage of the book of Joel (v. 17-21) and then a passage from a psalm David wrote (Psalm 16:8-11). I don’t know how Peter had previously been exposed to these passages, but it is evident that the Holy Spirit helps him recall them. I discovered some time ago, that if I memorized Scripture, the Holy Spirit would give me recall of those passages when it was appropriate for me to use them.

Note also Peter’s boldness. In v. 23 we see him boldly declaring that these men were responsible for Jesus’ death. He then confidently assured them that God, the Father, raised Jesus from the grave revealing that He had power over death. Peter said he knew Jesus had been raised because he personally saw Him and talked to Him after His resurrection. It is an awesome thing to think that God has power over physical death and realize that even though we may die some day we may be assured that we will be raised again to new life in Him. He then quotes another Psalm of David (110:1) concerning Christ’s present role.

Peter closed his sermon with a powerful statement (v. 36). “Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Christ—this Jesus whom you crucified.” Peter is beginning to carry out his responsibility as a disciple with confidence and boldness. He probably was amazed himself as the Holy Spirit gives him recall of Old Testament Scriptures. And we know that just a few days earlier he had denied knowing Christ because of fear of physical harm. This experience will give him confidence to be bold about his testimony in the future. An important factor in developing this confidence is the realization that, although they may harm him physically, there is nothing they can do to harm him spiritually.

I can tell you from experience the Holy Spirit acts in our lives the same way. He has given me recall of Scripture when I am sharing with others and He has also given me confidence and boldness. On the other hand I’ve learned that when I try to do things in my own power I am a failure. I encourage you to be bold in your Christian testimony.

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