Sunday, May 18, 2008

Salvation In No One Else

Act 4:12

“And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved.”

Peter and John were aggressively speaking to the people about the resurrection of Jesus in this passage. The priests involved (v. 1) were probably Sadducees who did not believe in the resurrection. The captain of the temple guard arrested Peter and John because of the commotion they were causing.

We see the results of their message in v. 5 where we are told that about 5,000 men were saved. Throughout history we see that in times of persecution the Lord works mightily in the hearts of men.

Those in charge asked Peter a very leading question which gave him an open opportunity to share the Gospel. Peter never hesitated but quickly proclaimed the Lord Jesus to them. Note that this was done by the prompting of the Holy Spirit (v. 8). Peter asked them a question that really put these leaders on the defensive: are we on trial for a benefit done to a sick man?”

The statement in v. 12 is a very important one and is especially meaningful in today’s environment. Even in America we are being challenged by other religions that do not believe in Jesus. We are in the midst of a war with Arab nations because of our desire to see people free from persecution. Many people who believe in other god’s are moving into our country and others are challenging our right to worship our God. I believe America is following Europe into a post-Christian society.

I have no idea what our society will look like in the future. I am sure of one thing: God is still in control. My counsel to you is to be bold in sharing the plan of salvation to others. God has placed you, as a Christian, in this world for that purpose. You may very well face persecution as you do that but you can be confident that God is with you and will never forsake you. Remember the promise and the challenge God gave Moses and Joshua “I will not fail you or forsake you. Be strong and courageous…”

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