Sunday, May 25, 2008

Evidence Of A Relationship

Acts 4:13

“Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John, and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were marveling, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus.”

It became evident to everyone exposed to Peter and John that something had changed about their lives. These men were known to have been uneducated and untrained yet they were speaking with authority and confidence. It is interesting that John’s leadership is being noticed for the first time. We had seen before that the two of them were going to the temple (3:1) but up to this point Peter seems to have taken the lead. Here, twice in this passage (v. 13, 19) John appears to be joining the discussion.

The other phrase that attracted my attention was that everyone began to realize that they had “been with Jesus”. This phrase really challenges me and forces me to ask myself the question: do others recognize my relationship with Jesus? Is there evidence of the Holy Spirit working in and through me as I go about my daily routine?

I know from the study of the Bible that the Holy Spirit is as active within me as He was within Peter and John. His power can be manifested through my life just as it was through theirs. I can have the same confidence and boldness through the Spirit’s ministry to me.

Peter and John were confident enough in their relationship with the Lord that when they were commanded not to speak or teach about Jesus they responded “Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; for we cannot stop speaking what we have seen and heard.” Do I have that same confidence and will I have it if I am confronted as they were?

Paul exhorts us in I Cor. 11:28 to examine ourselves to assure we are in right relationship with God. It is good to do that often, not just as we anticipate participating in communion. As we do that and confess the sin in our lives we allow the Holy Spirit to have complete control of us. It is our responsibility to be filled with the Spirit and we need to take that responsibility seriously.

I pray that those around you will recognize that you have been with Jesus.

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