Sunday, August 3, 2008


Philip was introduced to us in Acts 6:5 as the second man chosen to assist the apostles in service. Now we see him being led of the Lord to go to Samaria to proclaim Christ. Philip’s message was authenticated by miracles (v. 7). There was a tremendous result as many came to know Christ as their personal Savior (.v 12). As a result there was much rejoicing.

The apostles in Jerusalem received word of what was happening in the city of Samaria in which Philip was ministering and sent Peter and John who prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit (v. 15). Many interpret this passage to mean that the receipt of the Holy Spirit is a second blessing that occurs sometime after salvation. I believe that the delay in receipt of the Holy Spirit is because this is the first group of people outside the Jews who responded to the gospel. We see this happening one more time when the first Gentiles believed. In these situations the receipt of the Holy Spirit was authenticating the gospel to those other than Jews. From that time forward believers have received the Holy Spirit in their lives at the moment of salvation.

We can draw another lesson from this passage. Although Philip was one of those appointed to wait on tables he also had a burden and a responsibility to share the message of salvation with others. He was obedient to the ministry of the Holy Spirit in his life directing him to do that. Every Christian receives a spiritual gift that he is to use to serve God. The gifts and their use are discussed in Romans 12, I Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4. All Christians have the responsibility to proclaim the message of salvation to those who do not know Him. We are privileged in that God chose to use us in this way. We should be faithful to Him.

We are not responsible for anyone’s salvation, however. That is the work of the Holy Spirit. We will look next at two men to whom Philip witnessed that responded in two different ways. Philip was faithful in his witness to each of his men.

I urge you to be faithful in sharing the gospel with those with whom you come in contact.

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