Sunday, August 10, 2008

Simon And The Ethiopian

Acts 8:9-40

Today we will look at the results of witnessing to Simon and to the Ethiopian. Simon practiced sorcery or magic through the power of Satan. He relished attention and adulation. Consider the contrast between him and Philip. Philip also performed miracles, but through the power of the Holy Spirit. The people also were amazed at his actions, but he deflected their praise to Jesus Christ and led them into a personal faith. We see that Simon was attracted to these miracles (v. 13) and that he also was constantly amazed.

The bestowing of the Spirit in this instance must have been very obvious, because it was evident to Simon. He offered the apostles money if they would allow him to “receive the Holy Spirit.” Notice Peter’s response in v. 20 “may your silver perish with you…you have no part or portion in this matter, for your heart is not right with God”. Simon’s motives were all wrong. He wanted to receive the Holy Spirit for personal gain. Although v. 13 says Simon “believed” I don’t think that means he became a Christian. James 2:19 says the “demons believe, and shudder” because theirs is an intellectual belief but not placing their trust in Him as their Savior. The word “perish” in v. 20 is also strong and is related to the same word in John 3:16.

God then very specifically directed Philip to go travel on a desert road. There he encountered a wealthy Ethiopian eunuch who was reading the Scriptures (probably out loud) while he was being carried in his chariot. As the Spirit directed Philip he came up to the eunuch and began witnessing to him. The Ethiopian trusted Christ as his Savior and then was baptized. When they came up out of the water the Lord snatched Philip away and the eunuch went on his way rejoicing (v. 39).
The point of sharing the stories of these two men with you is to remind you that we will encounter different results as we share our faith with others. Some will truly believe, as did the Ethiopian eunuch. Others will not as was probably the case with Simon. It is important that we leave the results to God. Our responsibility is to be faithful in sharing the message of salvation as we are led. We certainly can rejoice in what the Lord has done as people come to trust Him as their Savior. We must not become discouraged when people reject Him. Remember they are rejecting Him, not us.

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