Sunday, September 21, 2008

Peter Witnesses to Gentiles

Acts 10:34-48

In this passage we see the visions of Cornelius and Peter come together. Cornelius had been instructed by an angel to invite Peter into his home. The instruction included details as to exactly where Peter was residing. Peter had also had a vision; of a great sheet full of animals. In this vision Peter was told that men were looking for him and he should go with them.

Cornelius knew the Lord had sent Peter to tell him about God. In v. 33 he said “we are all here present before God to hear all that you have been commanded by the Lord.” Peter then made an important statement “I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, but in every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right is welcome (acceptable) to Him.” Peter grasped for the first time that salvation was for every man, not just the Jews.

While Peter was explaining that Jesus had died for the sins of all and was raised up on the third day and that everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins (v. 44), the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who were listening. God used the sign of tongues to validate the reality of Gentile salvation. As a public testimony of their salvation, they were baptized and then Peter remained a few days to help them begin to grow in the faith.

Although God doesn’t often speak in visions any longer He certainly uses the Holy Spirit to encourage us to share our faith with specific people we encounter. We should be obedient to the nudging of the Spirit, for we will be blessed. Personally, I believe that if we don’t do that, we will miss the blessing and God will put someone else in that individual’s path to bring them into a personal relationship with Him. It is apparent that the Holy Spirit works in the heart of non-believers to bring them into a relationship with the Father.

Finally, if we have the privilege of leading someone into a relationship with him we should help them begin to grow as Christians. We should be willing to study the Bible with them, help them get located in a good church, or put them in contact with some one that will help them mature in their Christian lives.

I pray you will be sensitive to the Spirit’s direction to share your faith with others.

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