Sunday, September 7, 2008

Three Types of Rest

Three types of rest:
Mental (emotional)

Physical rest:

Applicable verses:
O.T. Gen. 5:29 Rest from work
Gen. 18:4 Abraham invites angels to rest
Ex. 23:12 Six days work, one day rest
Animals rest
Deut. 5:14 Sabbath rest (servants, animals, visitors)
II Sam. 4:5 Ish-bosheth rested at mid-day
II Kings 4:11 Elisha rests on a bed
I Chron. 22:9 Rest from enemies
Eccles. 4:6 Rest better than labor
N.T. Mark 6:31 Disciples rested after being sent out
Mark 14:41 Disciples rested when they should have been praying
Rev. 14:13 Dead rest from their labor

Many recent articles about people not getting enough sleep
God designed creation to need rest
Animals resting – have not sinned
Land needs rest from growing crops
Rest/relaxation is not sin
We should not feel guilty about resting
Purpose of rest: restoration

What keeps us from physical rest?
Busyness – the Martha syndrome – Luke 10:38-42
Misplaced priorities – Haggai 1:9
Guilt – rest is a waste of time
Inability to say “NO”

Mental/Emotional rest
Ex. 33:14 Israel in wilderness, discouraged; God promises rest (includes spiritual/mental)
Deut. 28:65 Israel scattered among nations; a “trembling heart, failing of eyes, and despair of soul” given by God
Psalm 22:2 We can’t rest because we think God doesn’t answer our prayers
Psalm 37:7 David reminds us to “rest in the Lord”
Also describes how to do that:
v. 1 fret not yourself because of evil doers
don’t be envious toward wrong-doers
v. 3 trust in the Lord
do good
v. 4 delight yourself in the Lord
v. 5 commit your way to the Lord
v. 8 cease from anger
Prov. 29:9 Controversies with the foolish can keep us from rest
We allow them to get under our skin
Eccles 2:23 We allow our labor to become painful and grievous
Jer. 45:3 We feel sorry for ourselves (Woe is me!)
2 Cor. 7:5 Afflictions, conflicts, fear keep us from resting
Rev. 14:13 Death gives rest from labors

We need emotional (mental) downtime as well as physical downtime
Emotional downtime takes effort and planning
More difficult than simply sitting down or lying down for physical rest

What keeps us from mental rest:
Fear – lack of complete confidence in God’s protecting hand
Inability to give up control
Fear of getting out of our comfort zone
Unresolved anger
Outside influences: job, financial concerns, health concerns, children, interpersonal conflicts
Lack of relationships with others (we need Christian fellowship)

How can we rest mentally?
Get involved – significant work pressures left at office because of other responsibilities
Hobby, volunteer work,
Engage our mind – read good (enjoyable) books (How many have you read this year?)
Study God’s Word carefully (observation, interpretation, application)
Be quick to forgive
Don’t violate the Peter Principle – going one step beyond your capability
Work at something you enjoy
Avoid things that depress you (TV, news, etc.)

Spiritual Rest:
Ex. 33:14 God promises rest through His presence to the Israelites
Psalm 116:7 Psalmist reminds his soul to rest because the Lord has dealt bountifully with him
v. 8 rescued my soul from death
my eye from tears
my feet from stumbling
Job 3:13,17,26 Job speaks of the rest of death
Isaiah 30:15 We are saved through repentance and rest (in God)
Reflect on the day of your salvation
Our spiritual strength comes from quietness and trust
Jer. 6:16 If we live in obedience to God we will find rest for our souls
Jer. 31:2 Israel found rest when it recognized God’s grace
Jer. 50:34 God will bring spiritual rest to the earth
Matt. 11:28 Jesus promises us rest
Stresses gentleness and humbleness of heart
Rom. 15:32 The presence of other Christians can bring “refreshing rest”
Heb. 3:11 Not all enter God’s rest
Heb. 3:18 The disobedient do not enter God’s rest
Heb. 4:1 Fear (reverential trust) allows us to enter God’s rest
Heb. 4:3 God allows believers to enter His rest
Heb.4: 9-11 God’s people can enter a Sabbath rest
We can rest (have satisfaction) through our spiritual works knowing that through the ministry of the Holy Spirit God efficiently uses them
It takes diligence to enter that rest

Spiritual rest comes through a confident faith in God
Death provides ultimate rest – our earthly struggles are over
Spiritual rest comes from obedience, quietness, and trust and the recognition of God’s grace in
our lives
Fellowship with other Christians gives us rest
We have to intentionally work at resting spiritually

What keeps us from spiritual rest?
Being out of fellowship with God
Lack of recognition of God’s grace in our lives

How can we rest spiritually?
By spending concentrated time alone with Him (prayer and reading the Bible)
By keeping short accounts of sin in our lives
By confidently trusting in Him
By seeking fellowship with other believers

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