Sunday, November 9, 2008

Paul’s First Sermon

We have recorded in this passage the first sermon from Paul we see in the Bible. We will find that although Paul is primarily a missionary to the Gentiles, he always goes first to the synagogue when he comes into a town. They were reading the Law and the Prophets there and the synagogue officials offered an opportunity to speak. Paul seized the opportunity.

Notice that Paul begins his message by relating to those in attendance. First, he gives them credit for fearing God, then he begins to review Israel’s history. The following verses (17-22) are an excellent summary of Jewish history beginning with the captivity in Egypt and including the forty years in the wilderness. He mentions the dividing of the land, the time of the judges, and the united kingdom under Saul and David.

Paul then transitions to Jesus, mentioning in verse 23 that from the offspring of David “according to promise, God has brought to Israel a Savior, Jesus.” Following that introduction he accuses the Jews in Jerusalem with putting Jesus to death and the exclamation that “God raised Him from the dead” (v. 30). He then explains the good news of salvation (v. 38-39) and encouraged his listeners to take heed to the message. Paul subtly shares the transition from the time of the law to the time of grace.

There are some things we can learn about sharing our testimony with others from this passage. First, begin where they are. Help those that are not in right relationship with Jesus to understand that. Secondly, share the Gospel clearly. Don’t beat around the bush. Finally, encourage those who are listening to make a decision to trust Christ as their Savior. This outline applies to anything you are teaching and may be stated generally as know your audience and begin where they are, clearly state the problem, and then provide the answer with an exhortation to action.

I know that you will be given many opportunities to share the Gospel before many. Paul gives you an outstanding example of how to do that in this passage. I encourage you to be faithful as God gives you opportunity. He will bless you for your faithfulness.

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