Sunday, November 2, 2008

Recognition Of False Teachers

One of Satan’s tools is the use of a false prophet; someone who distorts the Word of God or denies it. We see this situation occurring in this passage. Paul and Barnabas recognized the man for who he was and condemned him for what he was doing. We must all be constantly on guard for this device of Satan.

Consider the ways Satan may use a false prophet to influence you. Probably the most blatant method in our culture today is through television. It has become relatively popular to insert religion in some way into many of the programs. Most often the Word is not handled accurately. Because we see these inaccuracies so much and they are so subtle it is easy to begin to believe them.

We may also make acquaintances with those who do not believe as we do. That can easily happen as we make friendships in school, in our neighborhood or at work.

Another way is through the books or articles we read. Often a false prophet will be 99% correct in what he teaches, but the 1% is all he needs to lead Christians astray. We are also exposed to false teaching from those who teach us; perhaps in school, in seminars, or even in church.

I have also had learned individuals come into a Sunday school class and challenge my teaching. That can be instructive for me and I invite others to do that. That can also be destructive if they have misinterpreted the Word of God. While there are places we can legitimately disagree there are a few cardinal doctrines on which we must be firm.

We must examine everything we are taught by others from the perspective of the Bible. If the teaching doesn’t align with it we must either challenge it or turn away from it. That is one reason it is critical that we carefully study God’s Word daily. It is our true guide for life.
I pray that you will be a careful student of the Bible, and will challenge or turn away from those who try to lead you astray.

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