Sunday, January 31, 2010

Does Motive Matter

Philippians 1:15-18

In this passage Paul explains that some are preaching Christ out of envy and others out of selfish ambition, rather than pure motives. Nevertheless Paul says that whenever Christ is proclaimed he will rejoice.

I’m reminded of a similar passage in Mark 9:40 when John came to Jesus and told him that the disciples had tried to hinder someone who was casting out demons in Jesus name, but was not following them. Jesus replied to him “he who is not against us is for us.”

These instances cause us to ask the question does our motive really matter. I think we must consider that perspective from two views. First, the Holy Spirit can use any method to work in the heart of the unbeliever. Those who receive and embrace the message of the Gospel are responding to the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives and from that perspective the messenger is not important.

On the other hand I don’t believe the one who proclaims the Gospel out of envy or selfish ambition is going to receive eternal rewards for doing that. They are getting their reward right now. That leads me to believe that motive is important from a personal perspective because one day we will be able to lay the rewards we have gathered for service at Jesus feet as we worship Him. Those who labor from a selfish perspective will not be able to do that. Christ talks about motives in Matt. 6 and three times (v. 2, 5, 16) explains “they have their reward in full”.

I think there are two lessons we can take from the passage. First, we must be careful about judging the motives of others and look for the good that may be realized for Christ. Secondly, we must make sure that our motives are pure when we labor for Him or share our testimony to others. We must do it for His glory and not any benefit we will receive.

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