Sunday, October 17, 2010

Esther 12 - Listening to Elder’s Advice

We learned earlier that Esther was raised by her uncle Mordecai. We can see that she loved him because of her reaction to the report of Mordecai’s mourning in sackcloth. She sent clothes to him and when he would not accept them she sent someone again to find out what was wrong (4:4-5). As events unfolded Mordecai gave Esther some advice that was very difficult to follow. He asked her to risk her life by going to the king to plead for the safety of the Jews.

There are actually a couple of reasons for her to be concerned. First, even though she was the king’s wife, in that culture she was not allowed to approach the king unless he summoned her. If she approached him and was not welcome it would not have been unusual for the king to order her killed. Secondly, in order for her to do what Mordecai requested she would have to reveal her identity. Apparently the king nor anyone else knew that she was a Jewess. When the king learned about that it could have made him very upset.

As the story continues we learn that Esther listened to Mordecai’s advice but did not immediately approach the king. She reveals an element of maturity by asking Mordecai and all the Jews to fast with her for three days. I believe she spent this time earnestly praying to God seeking His guidance because what Mordecai had asked her to do was unusual and dangerous. After doing this she went to the king and we know that he received her and granted her wish.

A lesson for us in this story is that we should listen to the advice of the elders we respect and trust. We should keep in mind that others may have more life experiences than we do. Parents and grandparents can often offer wise counsel. Your pastor is always someone you should be able to turn to for good advice. It will be easy to think that your elders don’t understand your culture and for that reason you shouldn’t listen to them. They may not have encountered the specific situation you do, but they have been in similar circumstances and they may well know what is best for you. It will be to your benefit to heed their advice as you seek God’s guidance in your life

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