Sunday, October 3, 2010

Esther 10 - Natural Beauty

As Esther is introduced in 2:7 we are told that she “was lovely in form and features”. I take that to mean she was a beautiful young lady. We learn in verse 13 that when the ladies were to go to see the king they were given permission to take anything they wanted from the king’s harem with them. I take from this statement they were given their choice of clothes, jewelry, perfume, etc. It is interesting that she took nothing other than what the person in charge suggested.

While we may think of our outward appearance, natural beauty includes our inner being, our personality. God has given you a personality that you are continually developing. That personality begins to emerge at a very young age and is continually influenced by life events and those around us. As you develop relationships think about the personality of those you choose as friends. They will have a significant impact on your life. Peer pressure is extremely strong and you should choose friends who are helpful to you rather than harmful.

I’m reminded of the verse in I Cor. 6:19 that tells us that “your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you…” It is important that we take good care of the bodies that God has given us. There are many ways that we can abuse our body. One is not eating right; eating too much, too little or the wrong things. In our culture many abuse their minds and bodies by using drugs. Drugs are an artificial stimulant that may make you feel good for a while, but have serious negative consequences.

Another way to abuse our body is not getting enough rest. We should get enough physical exercise so that our body will function properly, but we should also get enough physical, mental and spiritual rest.

I’m reminded of Psalm 139:14 that says “I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” I don’t know what your temptations may be but please never forget that as a Christian your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

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