Sunday, February 20, 2011

Jesus’ First Miracle

John 2:1-11

In this passage we have recorded the first of 35 miracles preformed by Jesus that are preserved in the Bible for us to learn from. It is recorded only in the book of John and occurs at a wedding feast which in that culture often lasted for seven days.

One of the purposes of this miracle was to help Jesus’ mother further understand her Son’s mission. I don’t think she expected a miracle from Him when she told Him they were out of wine although she knew He was a special child from God. As far as we know, she had not previously witnessed any miracle by Him. Jesus was now around 30 years old. His answer to His mother in most translations may seem disrespectful but it certainly wasn’t in that culture. It did remind her that He truly was the Son of God. You can see that she was not offended by the statement she made to the servants” “Whatever He says to you, do it.”

Another important lesson is to consider that the provision of Jesus is always adequate, and often in abundance. Each of the six stone water-pots would hold 20 to 30 gallons of water; they were very big. Therefore, Jesus provided 120 to 180 gallons of wine for the party. Not only was there plenty, it was also of high quality. Notice that the headwaiter commented on how good it was. We can always be assured, as Christians, that Jesus provision will be adequate. It may not be what we want but it will always be what is best for us.

This miracle, as well as the others, witnessed to the fact the Jesus was the Christ. We see from the quote in verse eleven that “His disciples believed in Him”. But I think the deepest meaning related to the life of believers and the joy of the wedding feast. It provided clear evidence that being a Christian does not rob life of its happiness. We can actually enjoy life more than others because of the joy that we have. Our perspective is different though because of our relation-ship to Him. Our loyalty to Christ is not inconsistent with enjoying life.

I pray that you might consistently recognize and be satisfied with Jesus’ provision in your life and that your joy may be full.

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