Sunday, February 6, 2011

Andrew, The First Convert

John 1:35-42

This passage reveals the beginning of Jesus public ministry. Notice that John saw Jesus and identified Him as “The Lamb of God!” Two of John’s disciples heard Jesus speak and followed Him. One of those men was Andrew and he obviously quickly recognized Jesus and believed Him. He immediately went to find his brother, Peter, and exclaimed to him “We have found the Messiah.” I take it from this phrase that the subject of the Messiah had probably come up in earlier conversation.

One of the things we learn about Andrew was that he was not bashful in his faith. It doesn’t appear that he was a great preacher that ministered to thousands, but he faithfully shared his faith with those he knew. In this instance, he introduces his brother Peter to the Lord. We are all familiar with the impact Peter had through his testimony. He became one of Jesus closest friends; one He chose to disciple in depth.

Andrew’s personality was probably like many of us. He apparently was not a gifted orator like Paul, or a public person like Peter, but he was a strong believer and shared his faith with his friends. We all have that responsibility. We can most effectively share our faith by telling others what Jesus means to us and how our relationship with Him impacts our lives. We can also live our lives in a way that reflects our faith in Him. In fact there is an old cliché, that our lives speak so loud, others may not hear our words. Our lives need to be consistent with our verbal testimony.

Notice how simple Andrew’s testimony was to Peter. He didn’t quote a lot of Scripture nor did he go into great depths of explanation; he simply said “We have found the Messiah” and he brought Peter to Him. Our testimony may be as simple as inviting others to church with us or to hear someone else share their testimony. We don’t have to be a theologically trained student to be an effective witness.

I pray that you will be faithful in sharing your faith with others.

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