Sunday, June 19, 2011

God’s Timing

John 7:1-13

Twice in this passage Jesus comments about God’s timing versus human timing. In both instances He was in a dialogue with His human brothers and they were encouraging Him to go to the feast. Apparently this was the feast of Tabernacles and was one of three great feasts the Jews celebrated, lasting for an entire week.

Interestingly, Jesus chooses to reveal to us here that His brothers did not believe in Him yet as their Savior. It is not too difficult to understand this as they grew up with Him as their oldest brother. We don’t know whether their parents had shared His miracle birth with them. I imagine though, they must have seen a difference in His demeanor because we know He never sinned and that certainly wasn’t true of the rest of them. Jesus responds to their urging with the comment “My time is not yet at hand; but your time is always opportune.” What do you think the last phrase means? Since He is addressing His brothers He is telling them that it is time for them to trust Him as their Savior.

It could mean to us today that we should recognize that we should continually be in a Spirit of worship of our God. Day by day, moment by moment we should rejoice in who He is and what He has done for us. Christianity is not a one day a week event, it is a moment by moment walk.

It may also mean that we should be continually alert to opportunities to share our faith in Christ with others. Often the Holy Spirit urges us to speak to others about our faith and we remain silent. A reason for that may be that we are not prepared. How might we prepare ourselves? First, we should develop an awareness of those around us who do not know our Savior and pray regularly for them. We might write out our testimony so that we can share it succinctly and clearly. Consider memorizing Scripture that applies to a personal relationship. A good example is a series of verses known as the Roman Road (Romans 3:23, 6:23; 5:8; 10:9-10). Keep a gospel tract handy that you can share with others.

I pray that you will be sensitive to God’s leading to share your faith with others.

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