Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Winnowing of Disciples

John 6:60-71

In this context I think we can describe disciples as followers. Many of them weren’t true believers but thought Jesus could take care of their every present need. They didn’t understand that Jesus was omniscient and knew their every thought. He knew and knows who really believes in Him and who does not. In v. 64 He made the statement that He knew who did not really believe in Him and those people began to leave because they could not make Him their political king.

This passage helps us understand each member of the Trinity a little better. Notice in v. 63 Jesus explains “it is the Spirit who gives life”. The Holy Spirit is effective in drawing us into a personal relationship with the Son.

Notice the statement He makes in v. 65 “no one can come to Me, unless it has been granted him by the Father.” This comment speaks to God’s sovereignty. We are God’s children because He chose us.

The disciples aren’t yet mature in the faith, but they are learning. Jesus doesn’t ask the question of them “You do not want to go away also, do you?” because He did not know. He asked because He knew it was time for them to declare their faith. They were going to need to take public stands as His disciples and this is a step in that direction.

Each of us who have trusted the Lord Jesus as our personal Savior should be willing and excited to share our faith with those around us. We should not be ashamed of our identity as Christians. We need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading in talking to others about our faith.

God is going to give you a burden for those around you who do not know the Lord Jesus as their Savior. I pray you will be faithful in sharing your faith with them.

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