Sunday, July 17, 2011

Healing The Man Born Blind

John 9:1-41

The entire ninth chapter deals with Jesus healing a man born blind, which is the sixth sign miracle John records in his book. Jesus used this occurrence to teach His disciples, to challenge the Pharisees and to affirm His deity.

First, notice the disciples reveal an error in their spiritual thinking. They thought that his blindness, and likely other similar problems were caused by sin. Jesus response to them was that it wasn’t provoked by a sin problem but it was a way that God’s works could be revealed and glorified. It is natural to search for why we deal with various issues in our lives and when we do, we need to consider how God may receive glory through that circumstance.

Notice in verse four the use of the word “we”. Jesus is including the disciples in the statement about working the works of God. That includes us also. As Christians we have responsibilities for which God will hold us responsible. We will one day receive rewards based on how well we carry out those duties.

Do you wonder why Jesus puts clay on the blind man’s eyes and giving him a task rather than simply restoring his sight? I think He is doing that to help develop the man’s faith. Clay certainly had no medicinal benefit. He also may be using the washing of the clay to illustrate how He will cleanse us from our sins and restore our spiritual sight. It is interesting that all the elements of salvation are presented in this story; a Savior to save, a need recognized, and the obedience of faith.

As we look at the Pharisees judgmental attitude I am reminded of how easy it is to judge others without really understanding the situation. It is interesting that the parents were afraid to give an opinion; concerned that they would be excommunicated from the temple. It forces me to ask the question do I hold on to religious practices for fear of what others will think?

Finally, what does this passage teach us about developing our faith? We can read the Bible and be obedient to the things we learn just as the blind man was obedient to Jesus instructions. We should develop the courage to hold fast to our convictions in times of testing. We can be willing to suffer for His sake if we are placed in that position.

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