Sunday, August 21, 2011

Entry Into Jerusalem

John 12:12-19

The time for the Passover had come and a great number of people had come into Jerusalem to celebrate the feast. The multitude heard that Jesus was coming and there was much enthusiasm for they were ready to crown Him king.

You wouldn’t expect a king to come into a city riding on a donkey, but on a chariot surrounded by much protection and in kingly regalia. But that is exactly what Jesus did as He was fulfilling the prophecy in Zechariah 9:9 “Behold, your king is coming to you; He is just and endowed with salvation, humble and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”

Notice that even those He had discipled the most didn’t understand what was transpiring. But notice in v. 16 John records that they did later when Jesus was glorified and the Holy Spirit became active in their lives. As I consider this statement about the disciples I am reminded how often I don’t understand the purpose of some of the things that happen in my life until I reflect back later how the Lord used a situation in my life to mature me or to help me share my faith.

Once again as we read about Lazarus we are reminded that the multitude is attracted to Jesus because of the miracles He performed and their belief that He can right then become their king and provide for all their physical needs. They did not understand what was going on from a spiritual perspective. Neither did the Pharisees, but they did understand they were losing the battle as the people were attracted to Jesus. Because the reaction of the crowd was so positive they were afraid to take further action against Jesus

As we consider the reactions of the public to Jesus I’m reminded that it is not that much different than today. Many are really not interested in Christianity or a relationship with Jesus until they get into a situation beyond their control in which they need help. Then they look for a miracle to care for their physical needs. While Jesus is certainly willing to help us in that area our spiritual needs are much more important. When we understand that our relationship with Jesus is eternal, it takes on a completely different perspective involving different priorities.

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