Sunday, August 7, 2011

Jesus Power Over Death

John 11:1-57

This is a wonderful chapter of the Bible and there are many people featured in this portion of Scripture from whom we can learn much. For instance consider the person of Mary. I wrote several devotionals about her several years ago. Think about the personality differences between her and her sister Martha and examine how they both revealed their great faith. Which of them is more like you?

Consider verses 9 and 10 where Jesus claims to be the light of the world and all the ramifications of that. Think about the contrast of walking in the light of His teachings which we can learn from the Bible and walking in darkness, without the knowledge we can gain from the Scriptures and without the ministry of the Holy Spirit if we are not a Christian. Our desire to walk in the light should drive us to the daily study of the Bible.

Have you ever considered that Lazarus was not really resurrected but was resuscitated. He would have to face death again. Jesus is the only person in history who has been resurrected, but we, as Christians, can be assured that we will be resurrected with heavenly bodies when the Lord returns to take us home to spend eternity with Him.

It would be profitable to study the person of Thomas, who is most famous for doubting Jesus resurrection. Here he shows his devotion by being willing to follow Him to death.

Would you memorize verses 25-26: “Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die.’” What a tremendous promise that is. Note the difference between physical death and spiritual death as both are mentioned here.

Jesus love is reflected in His conversation with Mary. Even though He knew that the resuscitation of Lazarus would bring joy to Mary He was deeply moved by her current sorrow and wept with her.

After this tremendous demonstration of His power over death many believed, but just as in the past many also did not believe and continued to plot to kill Him. We must realize that the Truth of the Bible always divides people. Many people accept it and live by it, but even more reject it and go their own way. Our responsibility is to share the good news of the Gospel and let the Holy Spirit work in the hearts of those with whom we share.

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