Sunday, October 14, 2007

Green Pastures

"He makes me lie down in green pastures"
Psalm 23:2a

What are the green pastures in your life? I can think of several in mine. The phrase green pastures makes one think of peace and rest, doesnt it. There are two types of rest we should consider; spiritual rest and physical rest.

Becoming a Christian does not automatically give one spiritual rest, but it does give us the ability to attain it. Certainly, there is a peace we can not experience until we ask the Lord Jesus to be our Savior. Rest comes from allowing Him to be our Lord. Spiritual rest comes from the joy of prayer, reading Gods Word, and fellowship with other believers.

God also knows we need physical rest and relaxation. God instituted rest on the seventh day of creation, when after finishing His work, He rested. One of my "green pastures" is a good book. I enjoy relaxing with a good book after a days work. What are you reading today? Another of my "green pastures" is good music. The combination of a good book and good music is extremely soothing to me.

Another "green pasture" is the cabin God has allowed us to have in East Texas. Getting away from the hustle and bustle of life and spending time in Gods natural creation is very calming to me. Although I may get physically exhausted some days I mentally and emotionally relax.

Our grandchildren are another "green pasture" for Betty and I. We truly enjoy their company. It is such a pleasure to see them developing as a young man and woman who love the Lord. We cherish the moments we get to spend with them and our children. Raising children is an awesome responsibility, but the joy of grand-parenting more than makes up for the trials of parenthood.

Betty and I also enjoy traveling throughout the beautiful world God has given us to enjoy. Although man has polluted much of it we still can enjoy the grandeur of the mountains, the beauty of the lush green valleys, and the peace of the streams and rivers flowing through them. If God has provided this kind of beauty for us to enjoy now, think of what heaven must be like.

Look for the "green pastures" of your life and enjoy them. God has blessed you with them.

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