Sunday, October 28, 2007

Quiet Waters

What are the quiet (or still) waters of our lives? Two images come to my mind when I hear this phrase. One is that quiet waters produce beautiful reflections. I recall often when coming across a still lake surrounded by beautiful woods or snow capped mountains, the reflection seems almost more beautiful than the actual view. How refreshing it is to pause and consider the beauty God has produced on earth and contemplate how that must pale in comparison to the beauty we will experience in heaven in eternity. If God can produce such beauty in a sin sick world, what must heaven be like?

The fast flowing, noisy streams have their beauty, but the still mirror-like bodies of water remind us of complete peace. It is interesting that sheep wont drink from a noisy stream because the noise and the rushing water frighten them. The shepherd must find still, quiet ponds for them to drink from. Weve all heard the phrase "still waters run deep" and I think there is an application here. It is during those quiet times in our lives when we can grow the deepest in our relationship with the Lord. It is a wonderful experience to quietly and unhurriedly spend time plumbing deeply into Gods Word.

Just as sleep refreshes us physically, our quiet times in the Bible refreshes us spiritually. As we allow Him, the Lord graciously enables us to perceive the preciousness of His truth and to feed upon it. Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit we have the power to appropriate the promises He has given us. Uninterrupted seasons of meditation and prayer allow us to share with Him our deepest needs and concerns as well as to praise Him for who He is and what He has done.

We live in a culture and society that is marked by busyness and activity. One of my most consistent prayers for my family is that they will look diligently for the "green pastures" and "quiet waters" as they mature in their Christian life. I can assure you from personal experience that the deeper you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ, the more satisfied you will be with your life.

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