Sunday, November 4, 2007

He Restores My Soul

We have noted earlier that David is writing this psalm as one who trusts in the Lord. This phrase brings to mind that Christians need restoration. The primary meaning of the word "restore" is to return.

The sheep presents an interesting image in this situation. Sheep are known for becoming "cast". They lie down, roll onto their back and are unable to get back up because they are too round. Gases build up in their stomach and blood circulation is cut off to their legs. They cant get their feet underneath them. In hot weather they can die in a few hours; in cool weather they may survive for several days. Predators look for cast sheep for they are easy prey.

How do sheep become cast? They find a soft spot on the ground where they lay down. Perhaps they have too much wool which weighs them down as dirt, etc. accumulates in the wool. Sometimes they become too fat. A shepherd must constantly be looking for cast sheep and help them back up on their feet.

How does this picture apply to us. We, too, as Christians can become "cast". We find comfortable situations and are hesitant to move out of them. Sometimes we become burdened down with selfish desires, possessions, etc. and they prevent us from growing in Christ. Frequently, we let the worlds desire for wealth consume us and we become enslaved to our financial situation.

We can be thankful that we have a God who loves us and is patient with us. He is willing to restore us. He promises us in I John 1:9 that "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." We should be grateful that when we sin our Father is willing to restore us.

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