Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Rod Of God

The psalmist now mentions two assets of God that are comforting to him. The first is the rod. The rod represents the word of God and its ability to work in our lives. It conveys authority, power, discipline and protection. Lets think for a moment of how the Word of God impacts our lives.

First of all, it cannot impact us unless we study it and become more knowledgeable of it. The Bible is an interesting book in that it seems one cannot ever completely comprehend all it teaches. No matter how many times, I delve into a passage I learn new things. That is because as I grow and mature in the faith, God uses His Spirit through the Word in teaching me more and allowing me to make new application to my life.

As we grow knowledgeable of the Word it becomes the authority for living our lives. We learn how to please God through the study of His Word. He also creates in us a joy that the world does not understand as we live in harmony with His teaching. We dont follow His teachings to earn our way to heaven, but because we love Him and want to please Him.

Hebrews 4:12 tells us "The word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of the soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." This verse describes the power of Gods Word. It pierces the heart of even the non-Christian. Ive found in witnessing to others quoting the Bible is much more convicting than anything I can say. The Spirit uses the Bible in many ways to encourage us, exhort us, convict us, as well as teaching us Gods will for our lives.

Gods Word also provides discipline for us as we learn it and obey it. Discipline can be considered from two different perspectives. The more disciplined and purposeful we become in our lives, the more we please God. God also uses His Word., through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, to discipline us when we are disobedient.

Finally, it is a defense or protection for us. We discussed earlier how Jesus used the Word of God to defeat Satan. We can do the same thing if we know it.

I pray that you will continually grow more in love with Gods Word. The rod of God

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