Sunday, December 2, 2007

Walking Through The Dark Valleys

The first three verses of this Psalm describe the Lordship of Christ. The last three reveal the results of submitting to the Lordship of Christ. Today we will meditate on the dark valleys of our lives. The first word that catches my attention is "through". That is an encouraging word because it tells us those valleys are temporary; we will get through them.

Once when my wife and I were on vacation in Israel we were sitting on top of a mountain at the edge of the Sea of Galilee observing a beautiful valley below. Betty made the comment that, although valley experiences of our lives are the most difficult ones, they are of great benefit to us. They are the experiences that cause us to grow the most; that cause us to mature in our relationship with Jesus Christ because we really understand our dependence on Him. We see that more clearly after we come through those experiences.

The next time you travel through a mountainous area observe the valleys. They have the gentlest grades. Notice how roads are built through the valleys whenever possible, because travel is easier. The valleys are also where the streams of refreshing water flow. The grass is also most lush in the fertile valleys. That is often where you see orchards and crops, because that is where the soil is rich and fertile. Our spiritual thirst and hunger are often satisfied through valley experiences.

We also must be careful about the dangers in those valleys. In a physical valley you must watch for predators, flash floods, and rock slides. We must be aware that Satan loves to attack us when we are walking through spiritual valleys, because that is when we are most vulnerable.

There are things it is good to remember as we walk through dark valleys in our life. One is that the valleys lead to mountaintops. Mountaintop experiences are those we enjoy the most. Another is we will get through the valley. Weve been promised that. Thirdly, Jesus tells us in Matt. 28:20 "I am with you always". We can take great comfort in that. Finally, our valley experiences prepare us to help others as they go through valleys.

I dont know what valley experiences lay ahead for you, but I do know you have a Lord who loves you and will guide you through them and cause you to grow in your relationship with Him.

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