Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Staff Of God

Using the analogy of the shepherd, the staff has a different purpose than the rod. The staff has a crook that is helpful in drawing the sheep close to the shepherd and to help keep them in an intimate relationship with one another. It is also used to guide the sheep, especially those who tend to go astray.

The staff reminds me of the work of the Holy Spirit in my life. The Spirit convicts me when I am in sin, exhorts me toward carrying out the Father’s will for my life and encourages me when I am discouraged. He is there to comfort me in times of distress. As I am obedient to His will the fruit of the Spirit is evident in my life. That fruit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control (Gal. 5:22-23).

Several times in the Bible we see the quote “staff of bread” which implies sustenance. The staff of the shepherd was used to help sustain the sheep in many ways. It was not a defensive weapon like the rod, but was used as an aid in caring for and managing the sheep.

Consider how the Lord draws you close to Himself. The primary way is through the study of the Bible and through prayer. He also brings people into your life to help you draw close to Him. Worship, either public or private, also brings one into a closer relationship with God. He may use the beautiful voice of a soloist or sound of an instrument to draw you to Himself. One of my favorite ways to worship is to listen to a talented pianist play meaningful hymns.

I pray that you will continually draw closer to the Lord in an increasingly intimate way.

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