Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dwelling In God’s House

The word dwelling means taking up permanent residence. It strongly implies that our relationship with God is more than just a visit or something temporary or part-time. I’m also reminded of the word "home" when I think of dwelling. A home is much more than a house. It is not only a physical place, but a location where your life is centered. Betty and I have lived in our current home for over 35 years. Our daughter was only six years old when we moved here and our son was only two. They both consider this to be their home. It is where they grew up and contains many memories for them. It is where much was learned as they matured to be adults. It is a place where they have always felt very secure.

The Christian’s relationship with God is also permanent and secure. The phrase, "Dwelling in God’s house" doesn’t mean we live in a physical church building, but that we enjoy full and permanent communion with God. He is a safe haven and we can trust Him in all situations. We are secure in that we know that His love for us is always faithful and unchanging and He will not ever leave us or forsake us even though we might stray in our relationship with Him. We are always welcome back into true fellowship with Him.

A home is where we are with family, those we love. We can be very transparent with them because they know us better than anyone else. Our relationship with God is also that way. We are always completely transparent before Him. He is the perfect Father, always desiring the very best for us, and if we follow His will we will be completely satisfied in Him. We can bring Him our problems and concerns because He loves us. As we seek His counsel through His Word and prayer we receive guidance for our lives. In times of distress His Spirit comforts us and in time of joy He rejoices with us.

Finally, I’m reminded that we, as Christian’s are just visitors here on earth. In John 14:2 Jesus says "In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you." Christ is now in heaven preparing a place for us where we will dwell forever. There is an old gospel song that says "This world is not my home, I’m just passing through". We as God’s children can look forward to the permanent, eternal place He is preparing for us.

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