Sunday, February 17, 2008


Contemplate on this word “forever” for a few minutes. It is one we cannot fathom with our own minds. It is an important word in the Bible, however, for it is used 339 times. Another similar word is eternal and it is used 97 times in the Bible. These words give a different perspective to our existence. The physical aspect of our lives that we live here on earth is an extremely small part of our existence.

Of much greater importance is our spiritual nature because it exists forever. When we live with eternity in view our priorities become aligned with God’s priorities. First we should consider that God gives every one of us the choice of spending eternity with Him in heaven or away from him in Hell. Since we are born as sinful creatures we are bound to spend eternity in Hell unless we personally choose to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. Once we have done that we are eternally secure in Him. God will never go back on His promise or His acceptance of us. Jesus says in John 10:28-29 “I give eternal life to them and they shall never perish; and no one shall snatch them out of My hand. My father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.”

Once we accept Jesus as our Savior and begin to study His Word we begin to realize the importance of eternality. We learn that because God is eternal, everything about Him is everlasting, including His love (Psalm 103:17; Jeremiah 31:3), kindness (54:8), power (Romans 1:20), and purposes (Ephesians 3:11). We, as believers have an “eternal house in heaven” ( II Corinthians 5:1), where we will enjoy “eternal glory” with Christ forever (II Timothy 2:10). We also experience eternal joy (Isaiah 61:7).
I pray that you will learn to live consistently with eternity in view.

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