Sunday, January 2, 2011

In the beginning

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.”
John 1:1

The phrase “in the beginning” is a difficult one to fathom. Notice that the next word “was” is past tense. The God we worship has existed eternally, as has His Son, and the Holy Spirit. There is no beginning with them.

There are a couple of things we can learn from this verse. First of all since God is an eternal being He had no need for “time”. Time was created for man’s convenience when the heavens and earth were created. Time seems so important to us, and we should try to use it wisely, but we should remember that one reason God looks at everything differently than we is that His perspective has no time constraints.

As we continue to read in this chapter we confirm that “Word” is another name for Christ. In Genesis 1:1 we read “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. The word “God” as used in this passage is Elohim, which is the plural form of God. God the Father did not create the Son and the Holy Spirit at some time. He is a triune God who has no beginning and no end; He exists forever. That is difficult to comprehend, isn’t it.

As we read and study the Scripture we need to remember that we are finite beings and our God is an infinite being. Because of that difference we will not be able to completely comprehend Him in our lifetime. However, we can be sure that we can understand enough to know that we can confidently place our faith in Him, and be assured that we are going to spend eternity with Him.

It is especially important that we stay mindful of that and don’t doubt that fact as we face difficulties in our lives. God loves us, desires His very best for us and will accomplish that if we allow Him to do that.

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