Sunday, January 30, 2011

John The Baptist

John 1:19-34

John the Baptist and Jesus had a very unique relationship. We learn from Luke 1:36 that they were physically related. John was important enough in Jesus life that when the angel informed Mary of her pregnancy, he also informed her of John’s conception. We are also told that when Elizabeth heard Mary’s voice, the baby (John) “leaped in her womb”.

John was faithful to his ministry. Some may have believed that he was their Savior and pride could easily have allowed him to accept that mantel. But notice that he quickly shared that He was not the Christ (1:20), but only a faithful messenger (1:23). He also clearly recognized who Jesus was. Notice he says in v. 29 “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”

I can imagine that Jesus and John spent time together as children since they were close in age and also were related. A great love must have developed between the two of them. Jesus said of John in Luke 7:27 “among those born of women, there is no one greater than John.”

John also clearly knew his purpose and boldly accomplished it. He says in John 1:34 “And I have seen, and have borne witness that this is the Son of God.” I think that is the primary message the author wants to share with us about this man.

As I reflect on this section of Scripture I’m reminded that God has given every one of us a purpose. A major part of our purpose as a child of God is to share our faith with others. We are to be faithful in doing this just as John was.

Sharing our faith is more than just verbalizing it. It involves living our lives in a way that reflects the fact that we are Christians. Others should be able to see Christ in us. We are stewards of the life God has given us. Not only are we to share with others financially, but we are also to use the time and the abilities God has given us in a way that pleases Him.

I pray that you will be a faithful steward and servant of the Lord Jesus.

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