Sunday, January 9, 2011

Life - Our Most Important Asset

“In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.”
John 1:4

As God created man, He gave him life. There are two aspects of life to consider; physical life and spiritual life. When man was originally created, I believe He was given a physical life that would last forever. However, man chose to disobey God, to sin, and the result of sin is death. There are also two aspects of death; physical death and spiritual death.

There are three facets of our physical life; body, soul and spirit. Our body ages and has specific limitations. Our soul may be considered to have three parts, intellect, emotion and will. We understand that with our intellect we comprehend things. We learn many things in our lives that help govern the way we live. Much of what we learn comes from the education process but we also gain valuable knowledge from experience.

The way we feel is most often guided by our emotions. At times we are happy and at other times we experience sadness. We have joy as well as anger. Sometimes we are motivated and at other times we are not.

We also have a will. Our will often drives us to complete tasks or to carry out assignments. A lack of will often allows us to leave things incomplete or to be lackadaisical about completing a task.

When we are physically born we are sinners facing spiritual death and we learn during our life of a need to trust Jesus as our Savior. When we do that a very important thing happens; the Holy Spirit indwells us and desires to become a major influence on our lives. I Cor. 6:19 explains that “your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit”. Since our bodies are that “temple” we have a responsibility to keep them in good physical condition. We are as much a testimony with our body as with the rest of our life.

We should also realize a need to mature spiritually as well as physically. Three things are necessary for us to develop spiritually. We need to be in a good church where we enjoy worshipping God, studying the Bible, enjoying the fellowship of other believers. We also need to study the Bible daily and be diligent in our prayer life. Finally, we need to develop relationships with others that will help us mature in our Spiritual life.

God has given us life. We live it to the fullest by placing our trust in Him and walking in His will.

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