Sunday, April 3, 2011

Testimony of John the Evangelist

John 3:31-36

Most scholars believe the testimony of John the Baptist ends with verse 30 and verse 31 begins the testimony of the book’s author, John the evangelist. First he shares the preeminence of Christ. He speaks of Christ as above all and one who bears witness of His perfect knowledge of the words of God. He also explains that Christ gives the Spirit without measure. The phrase “without measure” is interesting. We as Christians receive the Holy Spirit immediately when we trust Jesus as our Savior. The Spirit resides within us (indwells) for the rest of our lives. We will never get more of Him and He will never leave us. I think that is what the phrase “without measure” means. We can impact the Spirit’s work in our lives by grieving the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:30) or by quenching the Spirit ( I Thes. 5:19) and we are encouraged to be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:30). We are filled with the spirit by living within God’s will and by confessing sin when we recognize it in our lives. John next proclaims the Father’s love for the Son. One way the Father expresses that love is that He “has given all things into His hand.” God has a plan for this earth and for each one of us. He has entrusted that plan to His Son to carry it out. His will will be accomplished through His Son. The Holy Spirit carries out the will of the Father and the Son on this earth and in our lives. John then closes this section by explaining that if we place our faith in the Son, we have eternal life. Notice that statement is present tense. It is not a state we will attain, but one we have. That should give us much confidence. John also explains the consequences of not obeying the Son; the “wrath of God abides on Him.” The book of John is truly one of love and this is the only place in this gospel where the “wrath of God” is mentioned. What a blessing it is to contemplate what God has done for us. We should rejoice that we have been chosen to be a part of His kingdom.

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