Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Samaritan Woman

John 4:1-45

The story of the Samaritan woman is familiar to most Christians and the subject of many sermons. Today, rather than go into the details of the story I would like to reflect on it by following Jesus’ methods as He witnesses to her.

First, let’s consider His attitude. Although He was weary, thirsty, and hungry, His main concern when He met the woman was her spiritual condition. Compare this to most of us today as we are so often preoccupied with problems of the moment.

Notice that Jesus immediately places Himself on a level with the woman by finding a common interest. She is coming for water and He asks her to get some for Him. Her response is interesting.

Next He appeals to her curiosity which creates receptivity. She obviously could tell He was a Jew and knew that they normally didn’t mix with Samaritans. He brings up the subject of “living water” and she has no idea what He is talking about so she asks Him a question that presents the opportunity for further discussion. As we share with others we need to consciously avoid conversation killers. Those are comments or questions which do not evoke a response.

Notice His appealing question about never thirsting again. If someone offered you the opportunity to do something that would forever cure your thirst, wouldn’t it stir interest on your part. These comments allow Him to move deeper into the conversation by appealing to her conscience. He obviously knows about her past and now is opening up for her the opportunity to consider it.

This allows a transition into spiritual things as she brings up the subject of worship. Jesus talks about true worship and the woman expresses her knowledge of a coming Messiah, opening the opportunity for Jesus to reveal Himself. She becomes so excited she forgets about her water pot and returns to the city to share with others what she has learned. Now the opportunity has opened to share the message of salvation with many others.

This dialogue presents an outstanding example of how we can effectively share the gospel with others. Meet them where they are; appeal to their curiosity; transition to spiritual things; and close by clearly sharing the gospel.

I pray that you will be effective in sharing your faith with others.

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