Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Nobleman’s Son

John 4:46-54

This passage records the second miracle Jesus performed. After the encounter with the woman of Samaria, Jesus had continued his journey to Galilee. He was met in Cana, a city of Galilee, by one of the officials of the country whose son had become ill to the point of death. He asked Jesus to come to his house to heal his son.

One of the purposes of this miracle may be to show us the gradual development of belief and trust in the Lord. This man was probably acquainted with Jesus only as a worker of miracles. He did not understand Jesus mission as Savior. He asks Jesus to come to his house and heal his son.

We must remember that Jesus, in His omniscience knew this man’s heart, and now applies a severe test to his faith. He tells the man to return home; that his son had been healed. This was an indication that Jesus possessed more power than the man thought, that He could heal from a distance and without visibly seeing the need. The nobleman’s faith rose to meet the demand and he started home.

We see a third stage of his faith reached as he meets his rejoicing servants. They were rejoicing that his son had been healed and he immediately asked when that had occurred. When they confirmed that it happened at the time Jesus spoke he believed and led his entire household to saving faith.

It is interesting to contrast Jesus first two miracles. The first (turning the water to wine) occurred at a joyous occasion and the second at a time of anxiety and pain. Both point to the divinity of Christ, result in a deepening faith, and illustrate the joy and blessedness that result from trusting in Him.

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