Sunday, May 22, 2011

Feeding of the Five Thousand

John 6:1-14

This miracle is one of the few that is recorded in all four gospels. There is much we can learn from it. First of all we are reminded of the need for rest. When Mark (6:32) records this miracle he explains that Jesus and His disciples went to a “lonely place” to rest. Our lives are so busy that often we don’t get adequate physical, mental, or spiritual rest. That causes us to be less than maximally effective in many areas of our life.

We also see that Jesus was sensitive to the needs around Him and was willing to change His plans to accommodate those needs. He saw a great multitude that needed to be taught and that needed to be fed. He also saw this as another opportunity to teach His disciples that He would provide for them. It is interesting to note in Mark 6:7-12 that when He sent the disciples out to witness He instructed them to “take nothing for their journey, except a mere staff; no bread, no bag, no money in their belt” because He wanted them to learn that as they exercised their faith He would provide for them. Now they would see Him provide abundantly for the needs of the crowd.

Why do you think the Bible records that there were twelve baskets of leftovers? Notice that He says “that nothing may be lost”. I think this is a caution about being wasteful or not using God’s provision to the fullest extent. We are to value the resources God provides for us and use them wisely. Secondly, I think these leftovers are also proof of God’s abundant provision. We can always trust Him to take care of our needs.

Notice that the people really did not understand; they tried to force Him to become their king so that He could always provide for them. As we read this account in the book of Mark, we see that the disciples even missed the miracle. Mark 6:51-52 explains that shortly after this miracle they were out on the sea of Galilee when the wind came up and He came to them and calmed the water the disciples were “greatly astonished” because “they had not gained any insight from the incident of the loaves, but their heart was hardened.” We need to be alert for the lessons God is teaching us as we go about our lives.

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