Sunday, May 15, 2011


John 5:31-47

Read this passage and count the number of times you find the word “witness” or “testimony”. Notice who and what Jesus speaks of as a witness to His authenticity. First He speaks of John. We discussed earlier John’s purpose as a witness and as a forerunner.

Next He mentions His works. A primary reason for the works He did and the miracles He preformed was to authenticate that He was indeed the Son of God. He also mentioned God the Father as a witness. Consider how the Father authenticated the Son. Remember at Jesus baptism the Father spoke from heaven saying “This is My beloved Son…” (Matt. 3:17). He spoke the same words to the disciples again at the transfiguration (Matt. 17:5). In John 12:28 we will see the Father responding to the Son when He is praying. Remember Nicodemus (John 3:2) said “We know you have come from God”.

Finally, Scripture (John 6:45, I John 5:-12) shares that God has written on our hearts that Jesus is His Son. As we study the Bible and the Holy Spirit works in our lives we are convicted that certainly Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus closes this passage that He is revealed even through Moses as he wrote in the Old Testament.

Even today with all these witnesses people down through the ages and today reject the fact that Jesus is the Son of God. One of our responsibilities is to share our faith with others and introduce Him to others. We do this because Christians are commanded to be witnesses by Jesus and also because of our love for Him. In Matt. 28:19 He says we should “Go therefore and make disciples”. Often we get discouraged when others don’t believe us or don’t trust Jesus as their Savior. We must constantly be reminded that our job is to share the truth; it is the responsibility of the Holy Spirit to bring conviction to the heart.

We must also remember that if we are known as a Christian, we are a witness. We may be a good witness or we may be a bad witness. The lives we lead are as important a witness as the words we speak. I pray that you will be bold in your witness for the Lord Jesus.

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