Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Paralytic

John 5:1-15

John now shares with us another miracle Jesus performed. He had gone up to Jerusalem and noticed a man that had obviously been ill for a long time (38 years) and was in such bad physical shape that he needed help to do almost anything. Apparently, he was unable to walk. In this passage we observe Jesus performing a miracle that was independent of any act of faith by this paralytic. He simply said to the man “Arise, take up your pallet, and walk” and the man did that. We notice Jesus found him later in the temple and shared with him his spiritual need. At that time the man trusted Christ as His Savior (v. 4).

Notice in verse ten that rather than rejoice at this man being healed some of the pharisaical Jews were upset that Jesus asked the man to perform a task that violated their rules for the Sabbath. According to their law the man was not allowed to pick up his pallet and walk on the Sabbath. That was considered work. We all look at this situation and see their foolishness. Yet, many Christians live their lives legalistically in many ways. Many believe, like these Pharisees, that we achieve eternal life by obeying a set of rules and by performing good works. Yet the Bible clearly teaches that we obtain eternal life simply by confessing our sin and accepting Jesus as our Savior (John 3:16). Notice the 24th verse of this chapter. It says that “he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.” We must be careful not to put other restrictions or requirements on people regarding their salvation.

After we have made the decision to trust Him as our Savior we should recognize His Lordship of our lives. That means that we should desire to live our lives in obedience to His will, not to earn our way to heaven, but to please Him. The Christian life is more than a decision about where we will spend eternity. It involves life-style changes as we study the Bible and learn His will for our lives and then constant submission to that will, realizing that He loves us and desires His very best for us.

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