Sunday, January 15, 2012

An Epilogue

The end of chapter 20 seems very climactic but John continues. Consider what the disciples had been through in the last few days. They had participated in the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem with the expectation of a new kingdom. They had seen the Lord betrayed by a trusted friend and also been most likely surprised by the denial of Jesus by one of their own (Peter). They had witnessed the agonizing crucifixion of their Lord and then been amazed at His resurrection and manifestation to them.

I can imagine that they were exhausted and almost in a state of shock. Peter, as many of us would do, said “I’m going fishing”. We often return to the familiar when we face difficulties or need rest. Interestingly, several of the disciples were fisherman and they went with Peter.

Jesus takes this opportunity to teach another lesson. He appears to them again and from the shore suggests they cast their nets on the other side of the boat. Apparently they had spent a great part of the night fishing without catching anything. When they tried the other side of the boat their nets filled up and they drug the net to the shore containing 153 fish. It is interesting to note that fishermen then, just as now, counted and measured their fish. It is also interesting that many years later John remembered the exact number. Peter also remembered this event several years later as he tells us in Acts 10:41 that he ate and drank with Jesus after He rose from the dead.

There is a spiritual lesson we can learn from this scene. As we follow God’s will our efforts will be blessed. That blessing may not always occur in a physical sense; it could be emotional or it could be spiritual, or any combination of those three. We can be confident of blessing as we follow God’s revealed will for our lives.

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